Podcast Appearance

There’s a first time for everything!

Something we never thought we’d do in 2020?

Dr. Sara appears in her first ever podcast!

You heard that right. I got to sit down on zoom with a patient of mine and be the guest on his podcast! Was it extremely out of my comfort zone? Yes. But would I do it again? In a heartbeat!


Come learn a lot about me, my practice, and a lot about chiropractic!

Topics covered include:

  • My background

  • Opening up a practice

  • Volunteering at the 24 in 24

  • Advice to those apprehensive about chiropractic care

  • What separates my practice from the rest

  • Options for those scared of high velocity adjustments

  • My thoughts on different techniques

  • Is self-adjusting bad?

  • Treating athletes, the average Joe, & babies

  • Why chiropractic can be a good option before more invasive/expensive procedures

  • My favorite adjustment

  • Hardest part about running my business

  • Goals for Chiro CLE in 2021

  • Testimonial!